Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Week of Changes

Everything is changing here in Missão Brasil Santos! For a girl who's never liked change all that much, I'm doing alright!

First off, we're going to meet our new mission president tomorrow! How I already got to this point in my mission that I'm sending off my president and getting a new one beats me, but it's happening!

Also, my friends are all getting transferred and leaving me in Bertioga, but it's ok, because I adore my companion and am secretly praying that she's my last companion. We'll see if that works out!

Lastly, I'm starting to see the difference that missions make. Without a doubt, I will always be that crazy Kayla that a majority of you have come to know (and either put up with or love), but I'm a different person now than I was 16 months ago. At least, I feel different. 

Well, I'm tired and probably not making sense now.

But, sending lots of love to wherever you are!

Sister McEldowney

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Single Digits!

I'm officially down to 9 weeks until I go home! Woohoo! 

It's bittersweet, but I'm living it up here in my final weeks as a full-time missionary!

I just want everyone to know that I absolutely adore what I'm doing. Missions are hard, but so worth it! I love putting on my nametag everyday and knowing that I am a respresentative of Jesus Christ. His church is on the earth again and that that same authority that He had, that Priesthood, is on the earth today. The Preisthood is a blessing,one that I want everyone to take part of.

I love being a missionary and I love serving here in Brazil!

With Lots of Love,

Sister McEldowney

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A favor...

From the keeper of this blog -

At the bottom of our family email this week Kayla requested,

"I have no time left. Could you write on my blog that I'll write next week??"


Also from the keeper of this blog -

I don't think Kayla would mind if I included something from her family email here. It's so representative of her, the strength of her testimony, and the love she has for her brother.

She was able to call home on Mother's Day. It's so neat chatting face to face with a missionary. During that call, she challenged Justin to share something from his daily scripture study with her in our family's weekly email. She's been much more diligent than he has, but this last week he (we) finally remembered his commitment and he shared something from the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon. This was her response:

"I love Alma!

Want to know what I read? I read in Mosiah 25 when Alma baptizes Zoram and talks about the power of the scriptures. When we read the scriptures and find ways to apply them to our lives, we are using them for what they were written for! 

How do you apply the scriptures to your life? What is one thing that you learned in the scriptures that taught you an important lesson?

I love you Justin! Keep reading, praying, and obeying! Those things will prepare you to be a missionary!"

These two have always had a close relationship. I love that about them. And I love that Kayla's such an incredible mentor and example for the little brother who loves her to pieces!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016

Behind again...

From the keeper of this blog -

I'm behind again. Here you go...

May 23, 2016 - Another Soul Saved!

Felipe was baptized! Woohoo!!! We worked a long while with him and he finally made it!

Sister McEldowney

May 30, 2016 - Bertioga Round 2!

Staying here for at least another 4 weeks! Woohoo! With Sister Ferreria!!! 

I have basically no time! I'll write more next week!

People, this is the beginning of the end! Second to last transfer! 

Wish me luck!

Love Always,
Sister McEldowney